Analysis: How FoxNews Aims to be State-Run TV; its techniques and methods viewed through the lens of one story

A FoxNews story last night warned me of U.S. Department of Education funds being used (via PBS, of course) to indoctrinate children in the ways of Islam. The story was extraordinarily well-sourced [cough] via some outfit called the Christian Action Network (Slogan: 'spreading lies and fear for Jesus since 1990'). Like many of Fox’s National … Continue reading Analysis: How FoxNews Aims to be State-Run TV; its techniques and methods viewed through the lens of one story

A Polarized Nation and the Perils of Objectivity

I keep hearing this "the country is polarized" trope; that people are only tuning in to what they want to hear. This point of view is tiresome. By and large, people want to hear the truth. Facts. And if what you're saying doesn't match what their eyes and ears are telling them, that's not a … Continue reading A Polarized Nation and the Perils of Objectivity